As we gather today to explore the profound theme "God is in the House," let us open our hearts and minds to a deeper, more intimate connection with the Divine Presence. Through this spiritual mind treatment, we will embrace the awareness that God is always with us, within us, and around us, guiding our thoughts, actions, and experiences.

I recognize and affirm that there is one Infinite Presence, one Divine Intelligence that permeates all of existence. This Presence, which we call God, is the source of all life, the essence of all being, and the creative power behind every manifestation. God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, expressing itself in and through

I know that I am one with this Divine Presence. The same God that created the stars and the galaxies dwells within me and within every individual here today. There is no separation between us and the Divine; we are all unique expressions of the One Mind. As I embrace this truth, I realize that God is truly in the house—right here,

I affirm that this awareness of God's presence brings a fuller, more intimate experience of the Divine into my life. I open myself to the guidance, love, and wisdom of God, knowing that every thought, word, and action is divinely inspired. As I deepen into this connection through meditation and prayer, I feel the loving embrace of the Divine, filling every cell of my being with peace, joy, and clarity.

I see God in every person I encounter, recognizing the Divine spark within each soul. I feel God's presence in every moment of my day, in the beauty of nature, in the silence of my heart, and in the sacredness of my relationships. This awareness transforms my life, bringing greater harmony, abundance, and fulfillment.

With a heart full of gratitude, I give thanks for this profound realization of God's presence in my life. I am grateful for the intimate and personal experience of the Divine that enriches my spiritual journey. I thank the Infinite Presence for the love, guidance, and blessings that flow into my life and the lives of all those gathered here.

Knowing that my words are the truth and are now set into motion by the Law of Mind, I release this treatment with complete trust and confidence. I let go and let God, knowing that all is well, and that the Divine Presence is always in the house.

And so it is.