Spiritual Mind Treatment (SMT) is a five-step prayer process that is also known as Affirmative Prayer. The process is based on the teachings of the Science of Mind. The goal of SMT is to shift your mind so that your life manifests the way you desire. 

The five steps of SMT are Recognition, Unification, Realization, Thanksgiving, and Release. 

The process involves turning away from a condition and focusing on the desired outcome as if it has already happened. 

The steps are: 

  1. RECOGNITION (GOD IS) | Recognize God as the ultimate, limitless Presence and Power in the universe. God is all there is.

  2. UNIFICATION (I AM) | After recognizing God as the ultimate Presence and Power in and through everything, you now accept that you and God are one. You know God acts through you, as you, in you, and in all life. I am one with God, now.

  3. DECLARATION/REALIZATION (I ACCEPT; I AFFIRM) | Already knowing that you are part of God, you realize without doubt or reservation that the good you desire to experience is now taking form through God’s Power. I know my desire is complete and I accept.

  4. THANKSGIVING / ACCEPTANCE (I GIVE THANKS) | Having clearly stated and affirmed what you want to experience, you thankfully accept that the good you desire is yours right now. I accept and give thanks for this good right here and now.

  5. RELEASE (I LET GO and LET GOD) | After thankfully accepting your good as already accomplished, you release your prayer to the activity of the Universal Law of Mind, completely freeing yourself of concern. I let go and let God. I release this truth in total belief that it is done.

To request a Spiritual Mind Treatment/Affirmative Prayer fill out the form below.