Divine Source, Infinite Intelligence, the Creative Power that permeates all of existence, I turn my attention to you in this sacred moment. As I embark on this spiritual living reboot, I recognize and acknowledge the magnificent essence of my being, created in your image.

I declare that I am ready to allow my Spiritual Magnificence to shine brightly, illuminating every aspect of my life. In alignment with the teachings of the Science of Mind, I affirm that my thoughts are powerful and creative, shaping the very fabric of my reality.

I open my mind to the fundamental principles of the Science of Mind, refreshing my understanding and deepening my connection with the universal truths. I affirm the oneness of all creation, recognizing that the divine spark within me is the same spark that animates the entire cosmos.

I am ready to release any limiting beliefs, doubts, or fears that may have held me back from experiencing the fullness of life. I surrender to the divine flow of love, joy, and peace, allowing these qualities to permeate my consciousness and radiate from me into the world.

As I embrace the Science of Mind principles, I affirm that abundance is my birthright. I let go of scarcity thinking and welcome the limitless abundance of the universe into every area of my life. I am a co-creator with the Divine, and I claim my role in manifesting prosperity, success, and well-being.

 set the intention to live a life well lived, filled with purpose, passion, and meaning. I trust in the divine guidance that flows through me, leading me to opportunities for growth, expansion, and contribution.

I am grateful for the wisdom of the Science of Mind, and I commit to incorporating these teachings into my daily life. I am a vessel of divine love, and I choose to express this love in all my interactions, creating a ripple effect of positivity and transformation.

In this spiritual living reboot, I anchor myself in the present moment, where the power of creation resides. I let go of the past, release worries about the future, and fully embrace the eternal now.

 And so it is