In this sacred moment, I recognize and affirm the presence of the One Infinite Source, the Divine Intelligence that permeates all creation. I acknowledge and celebrate the freedom that is inherent in the fabric of existence, expressing through me and all beings. As we celebrate the independence of our nation this month, I also celebrate the deep-seated freedom of spirit that is our birthright.

I know and declare that there is only one Power in the universe, the Power of Love and Harmony, operating through the Law of Mind. This Power is the creative force behind all things, the essence of freedom itself.

Today, I align myself with the "Freedom Factor," understanding it as the universal principle of liberation from all that binds and restricts. I recognize that true freedom begins within the mind, where I have the power to choose my thoughts and beliefs.

In this moment, I release any mental patterns of limitation, fear, or doubt that have held me back from expressing my fullest potential. I let go of any perceived barriers to my freedom, whether they are old habits, past experiences, or external circumstances.

I affirm my divine right to be free in mind, body, and spirit. I am free to choose love over fear, courage over hesitation, and joy over sorrow. I embrace the truth that my freedom is not dependent on outer conditions but springs forth from the depths of my soul.

As I contemplate the "Freedom Factor" throughout this month, I apply it to every aspect of my life. I embody freedom in my relationships, where love and respect flow effortlessly. I embody freedom in my work, where creativity and abundance abound. I embody freedom in my health, where vitality and well-being are my natural state.

I declare that I am a radiant expression of the Divine, embodying the essence of freedom itself. I am empowered to live authentically and passionately, knowing that my path is guided by the wisdom of the Divine within me.

I am grateful for the opportunity to celebrate and embody the "Freedom Factor" in all aspects of my life. With deep gratitude, I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing that it is already done. The Universe conspires for my highest good, and I am free indeed.


And so it is.