I recognize that there is one Infinite Power, one boundless Source of all creation, which I call God. This Divine Intelligence is the essence of pure goodness, love, and wisdom. It permeates everything, everywhere, and always, grounding us in the sacredness of the present moment.

I know that I am one with this Infinite Power. Just as a wave is part of the ocean, I am a unique expression of the Divine. The same Energy that creates galaxies, fuels the sun, and blooms the flowers flows through me and through every person I encounter. We are all interconnected in this web of Divine Love and Goodness.

I affirm that this month is a sacred journey of discovering and celebrating the Good (the God!) in our lives from various perspectives. I embrace the present moment, grounding myself in the truth that Goodness is here and now. As we gather each week, I am open to new insights and revelations about the Divine in my life. I see the Goodness in my daily experiences, in my relationships, and in the world around me.

Inspired by the teachings of Jesus and Ernest Holmes, I consciously call forth the Greater Good. I recognize the power of my thoughts, words, and actions to manifest love, peace, and joy. I trust in the Divine Guidance that leads me to greater expressions of good, knowing that as I align with this truth, my life unfolds in perfect harmony and abundance.

I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to come together with friends and neighbors to explore and celebrate the Divine Goodness. I give thanks for the wisdom and inspiration that flows through our gatherings, enriching our lives and deepening our connection to the Divine. I am thankful for the transformations that occur as we recognize and embrace the Good (the God!) in all aspects of our lives.

With faith and trust, I release these words into the Law, knowing that it is already manifest. The Divine Power that always works for my highest good takes this word and brings it into perfect form. I let go and let God, celebrating the unfolding of this beautiful, eclectic month.

And so it is.