“Praising the Plenty”
“Praising the Plenty”
In this sacred moment, I recognize the infinite presence of Spirit as the source of all life. Spirit, limitless and abundant, flows in, through, and around every part of creation, radiating prosperity, health, joy, and love. I know this boundless essence of life is always giving, always generous, and always present.
Today, I align my heart and mind with this truth of Plenty. I expand my awareness, lifting my thinking to see beyond appearances and embrace the ever-present flow of good that blesses my life. I let go of limitations, shifting into an attitude of profound gratitude for all that I have and all that I am. My gratitude magnifies the goodness that surrounds me, awakening my heart to the infinite ways in which Spirit expresses abundance in my life.
As I praise the plenty that fills my days, I become a channel for even greater good. I see every blessing as a seed for more, knowing that Spirit's giving nature responds to my joyful recognition and appreciation of life’s fullness. My consciousness, attuned to gratitude, draws into my experience a continuous flow of blessings—more than I can imagine or anticipate.
I affirm that I am open, receptive, and expectant of even more good in my life and in the lives of all those I hold dear. With faith and gratitude, I release this treatment to the perfect law of Spirit, knowing that it is already done.
And so it is.