“Falling in Love with Life”

In this sacred moment, I recognize the infinite Presence of Life, the One Life, the Source and Substance of all that is. This Life is vibrant, dynamic, and ever-present, expressing itself through every leaf, every breath, every heartbeat. It is the Life of Spirit, of the Divine, ever unfolding in perfect harmony and beauty.

I know that I am one with this Life. I am entitled to its boundless good, deserving of the fullness and richness of all that Life offers. It moves through me, as me, expressing in my thoughts, my words, and my actions. I am an individual expression of the fullness and allness of Life Itself, eternally connected to the Source of all creation. Just as the trees let go of their leaves in perfect trust, I too release anything that no longer serves, making space for the newness of life to emerge in me.

As I open my heart to the wisdom of Rumi, I fall deeply in love with Life. I embrace Life in all its richness—its beauty, its challenges, its joy, and its mystery. I allow myself to be fully present, to see the divine perfection in everything and everyone, knowing that all is unfolding for the highest good. I am entitled to the wholeness and interconnectedness of all beings, and I celebrate the joyful community we create together.

I affirm that this love of Life brings forth abundant joy, deep peace, and boundless gratitude. I am deserving of the love, inspiration, and grace that flow from the Divine, guiding me in every moment with ease.

With an open heart, I release this word into the Law, trusting in its perfect manifestation. I know it is already done.

And so it is!