As we come together in this sacred space, I recognize the infinite presence of Spirit, the Divine Intelligence that governs all life. This Presence is the source of all good, the wellspring of abundance, love, and joy. It is within us, around us, and through us, guiding every step we take.

In this moment, I affirm that the principles of Science of Mind are alive and active in our lives. We are not here merely to recite words or concepts but to embody and demonstrate the truth of these teachings. We step into the awareness that we are co-creators with the Divine, fully capable of living, loving, and laughing abundantly.

I know that abundance is our birthright. It flows to us and through us with ease as we align with the Divine flow of life. We release any belief in lack or limitation, knowing that the Universe supports our highest good in every way. We open our hearts to receive the boundless gifts of love, joy, and prosperity that are always available to us.

As we embrace this truth, we prove it by our actions. We live fully, expressing our authentic selves with confidence and grace. We love deeply, knowing that love is the most powerful force in the Universe. We laugh freely, trusting that joy is our natural state of being.

And now, before we step forward into the proving of these principles, we rest. We rest in the assurance that the Divine has already prepared the way for us. We rest in the peace that comes from knowing that all is well. In this rest, we recharge, we rejuvenate, and we prepare to move forward with clarity and purpose.

I give thanks for the knowing that we are guided, supported, and empowered by the Divine. I give thanks for the abundant life that is ours to live, love, and laugh through. And I release this word into the Law, knowing it is already done.

And So, It Is!